Happy 19 weeks in momma's belly little man! I can definitely tell that you have had a bit of a growth spurt this past week and I'm starting to feel you tickle me when I am laying down. It feels oh so wonderful and I will start laughing because you are tickling me so much. Your dad is looking forward to your arrival and can't wait to play with you (video games, soccer and so many other things). We are anxiously awaiting your timely arrival sweet dear.
Ok, so now that I have been sentimental to my little man, I must talk about this dress. A+ in comfort and stomach compatability and lightness in fabric. Thank you so much H&M for having the perfect maternity section for a 20 year old wanting to stick with being fashionable. I was in awwww while I was there. Skinny Jeans, cute dresses, shirts and affordability. Isn't that the most important part?
I'm enjoying pregnancy very much. I've had it easy (knock on wood) and have only had a few persisting symptoms. Peeing every five minutes (which is nuts for the second trimester but he is sitting sooo low), and fatigue (I'm in bed by 10 p.m. which is early for our family). So, over all I am extremely happy. I have been doing prenatal yoga twice a day and I am looking forward to this Florida weather cooling down so I can walk more outside.
Of course I had to share a picture of our cute little kitty man. He follows me around everywhere and loves to cuddle with my tummy.
I'm very excited for our future.