
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Major Slackage

I don't even know if slackage is a word, but I officially decided that I like it and I'm going to use it. And since I have missed a few days I'm only going to do 2 right now and then update later, because then I would post something a mile long and I wouldn't even want to read it and I love to read.

17/365: Keep your head up while things are down. Simple enough, right? But, not something we put to use every time we are down. Me, especially. I'm not afraid to admit it. When something doesn't go my way or if something happened that is horrible (my grandfather is a great example) keep your head up. When you let yourself get stressed out, it causes major problems: weight gain, acne, problems in marriage and friendships and the list can go on and on. The best thing to do is to keep composure. I, personally, write. If it is a situation that happened, I write the pros and cons and I balance it out in my head. If it is a person, I write a letter to them, come back later and if I decide it's not worth sending, I don't. There are several ways to get through things, whether its focusing on something else or even writing. 

I think of our new puppy, Meeka, we got her in the worst state she could of been in, but she keeps pushing and growing, and has become the toughest out of all our dogs and she is only 5 weeks old. For 2 weeks she tried to be able to jump on the couch, and she finally made it. It's something very simplistic, but its a good example.

Another, would be my grandfathers battle with cancer (I don't have a picture of him). He is staying so strong, it is absolutely incredible! It's very inspiring for me to not get flustered over the tiny stuff.

18/365: Along with that, attitude is everything. Absolutely everything. It drives me nuts that it is as simple as putting a smile on and staying positive to not have a negative day. Crazy, right? If you stay positive, the people around you will be positive. If you keep encouraging people they will be encouraged. Of course you will have down days, but keep your eyes on the prize and keep a positive attitude. Life is way too short to be negative.

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